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Interactive Tableau dashboards on the topic of jobs and queues processes, using data from the Orchestrator SQL Server database
PowerShell script to update the password of a provisioned Robot on Orchestrator.
Uses Orchestrator API and will perform Release management actions like Create Assets(Both Single and Value per Robot), Create Queue, Upload Package, Create Process, Create Environment.
Exports all scheduled processes for the connected Orchestrator in an excel file, one sheet for each robot.
Node.js app that will be able to start jobs or add queue items when some specific events occur
REFramework template to centrally provide the execute command to other independent REFramework solutions or workflow processes which are in Orchestrator that need to be executed in a sequencial order
A tool to help Orchestrator administrators to perform bulk operations on entities like Assets, Environments, Machines, Processes, Users, Robots, Organization Units, Folders, Queues and Packages.
A simple workblock engine made in UiPath Studio to process Orchestrator queue items
An UiPath project aiming to simplifly reporting based on a specific Orchestrator queue based on the REST API.
Provides a template workflow that can be used to get transaction data from a queue and create tasks for the user to approve, and continue the task after resuming depending on user decision
UiPath Orchestrator を AWS で構築するための CloudFormation テンプレート。新規にAWS利用でも簡単に一括でUiPath Orchestratorに必要なリソースのプロビジョニングが可能に。 さらに、今回の改訂でOrchestratorのインストールまで自動で行われるようになりました。
\[ Important! \] English documentation is available. UiPath Orchestrator を AWS で構築するための CloudFormation テンプレート。新規にAWS利用でも簡単に一括でUiPath Orchestratorに必要なリソースのプロビジョニングが可能に