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The DevOps Azure UiPath Custom Activity package provides a core sets of operations to the Azure DevOps service's resources. It consist of 56 activities that are grouped in 10 Core components.
The DevOps Azure UiPath Custom Activity package provides an integration between UiPath and Azure DevOps that permits the below core sets of operations to the Azure DevOps service's resources.
1. DevOps Application Scope: This is the container for all the DevOps activities and commands. Drop activities to the Do scope to start your workflow. Inside of this activity, you can configure the necessary parameters to connect to the DevOps server.
2. Projects: This Package allows managing Azure DevOps Project.
3. Teams: This Package allows managing Azure DevOps Teams.
4. Groups: This Package allows managing Azure DevOps Groups.
5. User: This Package allows managing Azure DevOps Users.
6. Processes: This Package allows managing Azure DevOps Processes.
7. Iterations: This Package allows managing Azure DevOps Iterations in a Project.
8. Areas: This Package allows managing Azure DevOps Areas in a Project.
9. Work Items: This Package allows managing Azure DevOps Work Items in a Project.
10. Git: This Package allows managing Azure DevOps Git related activities.
There are several use cases for DevOps and several benefits as repeatable human tasks can be automated with RPA tools. RPA tools are primarily technology-agnostic and can work with different systems to provide an opportunity to improve efficiency by automating DevOps tasks. Some examples include:
• Settings Projects, Teams, Area, Groups, Iterations, Users
• Creating Backlog items like User Story, Epics, Task, Bugs, Features
• Reporting Pushes, Pull Requests, Repositories, Commits
By using DevOps Azure activity package for UiPath, you can build your azure processes fast and reliably in UiPath Studio. With ready-made activities, you can manage multiple process steps in same workflows with minimal workload • Efficiency increase and cost reduction • Easy installation to UiPath Studio • Easy access to Azure DevOps instance via robots • User interface independent solution (REST API) • No complex configuration
Additional Information
Additional Information
1. .NET Framework 4.6.1 2. Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.Client (16.153.0) 3. Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.WebApi (16.153.0) 4. Newtonsoft.Json (12.0.3)
Code Language
Visual Basic
Windows Legacy (.Net Framework 4.6.1)
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April 23, 2020Works with
UiPath Studio 2019.10.4
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